Maybe my favorite Decemberists song. I always assumed it was about comforting someone after a funeral (given the dust/stone/bones/decay/chapel imagery.)
My favorite interpretation of the '$53 bucks' line by far was from an old message board discussing the song:
"The first Halo game by Bungie (now Mircrosoft) was released on November 15th,…
Maybe my favorite Decemberists song. I always assumed it was about comforting someone after a funeral (given the dust/stone/bones/decay/chapel imagery.)
My favorite interpretation of the '$53 bucks' line by far was from an old message board discussing the song:
"The first Halo game by Bungie (now Mircrosoft) was released on November 15th, 2001; while Castaways and Cutouts was released on May 21, 2002. The game had a suggested retail price of around $50. But with tax, it came to be around $53."
Maybe my favorite Decemberists song. I always assumed it was about comforting someone after a funeral (given the dust/stone/bones/decay/chapel imagery.)
My favorite interpretation of the '$53 bucks' line by far was from an old message board discussing the song:
"The first Halo game by Bungie (now Mircrosoft) was released on November 15th, 2001; while Castaways and Cutouts was released on May 21, 2002. The game had a suggested retail price of around $50. But with tax, it came to be around $53."
Please, Colin, tell me this is somehow cannon.