Sorry for the double-send... still learning how to use this thing. :)

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My Grandaughter introduced me to you guys. She is 30 and I am 74. I have been amazed by your lyrics and the wonderful collaboration of your band. We attended the Red Rocks show in the horrific storm, saw you at the Palace Theater in St. Paul. We are heading to Wolf Trap to see you guys again. We will be 3 generations enjoying you at Wolf Trap we have special viewing tickets. We are so, so excited. Thank you!!

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This great to read. I am 39, and have got my oldest daughter, wife, and in-laws addicted to the Decemberists. We all had lovely Sunday evenings watching the livestreamed concerts last year. They were a nice distraction from the world.

We are hoping to do a three-generation concert soon. Hoping they come to Ohio in the next year or so!

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Love how many people this is a whole-family affair for! My sister and I recently got our dad interested and have been slowly gifting him the albums on vinyl.

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This. is. so. cool.

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Thank you

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Love this! I (35) love going to Decemberists shows with my mom (65) :)

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I introduced my mom to the Decemberists years ago; she's been to a few concerts with us, too! Her favorite song is June Hymn.

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Something for the whole family.

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I'm Colin’s uncle. His mom made me sign up.

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...so you have Colin-as-a-little-kid stories, right?

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Long time listener, first time caller. So when one is faced with introducing themselves, is it normal to have anxiety?

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Pretty much without fail for a lot of us, I’d wager!

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Something that occurred to me reading through comments in here- finding out someone is a Decemberists fan is instantly disarming for me. Whatever confluence of interests there is, I can pretty reliably assume any other fans are good and interesting folks I’d like to hang out with.

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My dating profile says "If you like The Decemberists we can pretty much be friends."

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Lol! Mine, too!

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Eric, I walked into a hardware store yesterday and realized The Decemberists were on the sound system. So glad I didn't choose the Home Depot! That was cool. Kid at the register said it was one of the store managers' playlist.

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That realization would only have come for me via seeing someone make a weird face at me and only then understanding I'd been wandering around with a hammer in my hand, distractedly singing "Culling of the Fold."

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I’ve heard them in the wild only twice.

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I heartily agree!

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Lots of truth in this statement.

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I'm Fred, an almost 60 year old librarian and poet from OH. I got into Decembrists around the time Crane Wife dropped. Loved reading a description of the band that claimed they dress 'like 100 year old librarians.' so gave a listen and loved the music. I'm also big into bicycling, yo-yos, origami, and obscure canal history from the midwest American frontier as it existed in the early 1800s.

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This interest list is legendary.

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Kind of feel like those are all things that Colin could work into a single song

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You mean it’s not just Colin and me? Humph….I thought the personal feel of the email this morning was too good to be true!

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Hi Ben!

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Hey I'm Quinn, I play bass in Minneapolis band Floodwater Angel. I really connected with what Colin said about the social media algorithm in the welcome email. Ive been trying to talk to more people my age (20-25) about how weird it is that social media runs the connection between fan and band. It IS weird, it prioritizes some bands based on their social media clout over others. You lose great musicians in the gap, people who are fantastic song writers and players but don't succeed in the social media machine. Our big thing right now is promoters and bookers have told us we HAVE to have a Tiktok to be successful in the midwest and when we tell fans that sometimes they agree! I refuse to be a musician on Tiktok, It's dehumanizing!

What are your opinions on that part of Colin's initial email?

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Hey Quinn, congrats on Floodwater Angel scoring that cool gig at the Fine Line. I'm James from Witch Tree. We love psych rock, and dabble at the fringes. We played a fun show a few years back with psych bands The Electric Circus and Seafarer. I agree with all the sentiments that social media should be a tool for bands to use and not a driver of popularity. We should keep in touch. We're a generation older than you, but that's never stopped us before! Cheers!

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Cheers! Thanks for chiming in. Really excited to play Fine Line, we had a show set up there before Covid and now this one is much bigger.

We've been trying to delete our socials for some time but people in booking say we have to keep it to connect with fans. It's a double edged sword, but we always try to connect with fans in person at shows and let them know they are better than their online numbers tell them they are. That's why I signed up for this group right away, already this system feels better than a large scale platform does.

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I agree, I love how intimate it is. It feels like people really want to be in community with one another instead of mindlessly scrolling/posting for the sake of the algorithm. Social media is hard to quit, especially as a college student, it feels like it's the only way to keep up with folks. I'll check out your band! Always looking for cool new music.

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Thanks! The doom scrolling is really getting to me. I feel like its a repeat of the 24 hour news cycle from the 90s, just repackaged in a more addictive format.

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Hey there! I'm not familiar with your group, unfortunately - I haven't lived in Minneapolis in a number of years - but it's cool to see folks from the city I still consider home in many ways. I 100% agree with you that we're all ruled too much by social media and the algorithm. This kind of connection is a bit more labor-intensive on the part of the fans but it already feels more personal and I'm excited to see more interesting folks as well as hear from Colin.

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I'm a costumer, not a musician, but yeah... The TikTok grind is awful. I just want to sew and share my craftsmanship with people, but the algorithm wants me to dance around in front of a camera to have any sort of success. I believe there's got to be a path for artists these days outside of social media. It's harder, but not as hard as (in my opinion) dedicating my life and art to appeasing algorithm gods.

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I’m also a costumer! So happy to see more of us :)

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I definitely agree with your thoughts, Quinn. I’ve been slowly paring down my social media usage over the last year or two (which isn’t always easy—I’m also Gen Z—we’re the social media generation), and Substack is a nice alternative for connecting with the people I like to follow without having to subject myself to the whims of the algorithm. Good on Colin for finding a way out of the social media doom spiral!

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Hi, Colin and all you other lovely folks;

I’m Jason from MA. Been a fan since Castaways, and HOLY CRAP THAT WAS 20 YEARS AGO?!? My favorite memory (thus far!) is from a show in Boston, must’ve been on Her Majesty’s tour. Long Winters were opening and the PA was misbehaving. Halfway through your set, you asked that the PA be turned off entirely. What ensued was purely magical, like a campfire singalong. It was electrifying without being electrified. What a show. Thanks for all the music!

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Oh man, I remember that show so fondly. I remember being super sick the day of that show and I was knocked out in the van, sleeping, right up till show time -- so I was in this already weird space. But, as Jenny has said, the stage can heal all things and I recall the show being really fun and transcendent & when the PA went out it, it seemed like just an invitation to higher heights -- so rare that those things occur & so genuine & cool.

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Jenny is a wise old soul! Pound for pound, that was the biggest, baddest “Remember what she does when you’re asleep”! Still raises goosebumps. Cheers to you and the entire Decemberists family!

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That sounds wonderful. I'm so jealous.

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I’m Julie, and I’m 45 and live in MD. I’m a scientist. I’ve been a fan for 20 years. I think my first Decemberists concert was in 2005 at Sonar in Baltimore where the band paraded through the audience playing A Cautionary Tale - and I think I’m up to 15 shows now! Colin’s (and Carson’s) art plays through my speakers, hangs on my walls, and is in books I read to my kids at night. ❤️ So of course I wanted to see what’s going on here!

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Which books do you read to your kids? I have Colin’s book on Pete Seeger (one of my other favorite musicians) and my daughter loves when I read to her from it. :)

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We have Carson’s picture books (Home, Du Iz Tak, etc) but now that they’re older we read Wildwood and Whiz Mob!

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Whiz Mob is a great book for everyone 👍

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I miss Sonar! I only went to one or two shows there when I was in high school. I also have an MD house plastered with Decemberists memorabilia.

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I'm Arden, a 19 year old college student. In middle school a friend and I got super into the Hazards of Love and I've been a huge fan ever since!

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Hi all! John from a little farm in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley WA. I found the Decemberists many years ago when my dear friend sent me a copy of The Crane Wife with a note that said "I have found your perfect band". She was right.

My favorite Decemberist moment(s) were the Travelers Rest festivals. It's one thing to share a crowd with some random fans. It's another to share a crowd with people crazy enough to drive to Montana through a forest fire. Such joyful times (except for the fire part). As a person who has teared up 1000 times playing Colin's songs on the guitar, I await my dream publication of a Colin/Carson "Decemberists Complete Illustrated Songbook" equally full of witty comments, chord shapes, mysterious lyrics, and beautiful art. But for now, the Machine Shop is darn fine idea.

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We've talked about making such a thing, just haven't got around to it. This will be a place holder, this Machine Shop, till we can get it together...

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I'll be first in line when it arrives. Thanks so much for filling our lives with such wonderful music. I wish you could have seen my mom's face when the entire rest of the family sang along with me to Shankhill Butchers and Mariner's Revenge around the family campfire as darkness fell over the woods. Wonderful and priceless. Confirmed her suspicions about her odd children I think.

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This is great news! I have my parents’ Beatles Illustrated Songbook. Though practically in tatters, it’s one of my most cherished possessions. ❤️

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I miss Travelers Rest so much! The best couple weekends

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Went in 2018. Made a whole cross-country road trip out of it. Made instant friends and found a lot of new favorite bands (LOVED meeting Lenore and Gaelynn Lea specifically, and Tinariwen was like nothing I'd ever heard). So much happiness!

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Hi! Sara here. A friend in high school burned me a mix cd with Billy Liar on it, and the Decemberists became my favorite band. 20 years later and still a huge fan. I'm an illustrator with a love for wildlife and I play dungeons and dragons.

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What a kind friend you have... Welcome!

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Glad to be here! Enjoying having something to look forward to in my inbox that's not related to my tiny humans.

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I also got into the Decemberists because a much cooler friend burned me a mix cd in high school (I think my entry point was Summersong?)

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I do miss the days of carefully crafting CDs for good friends. Not quite the same feeling with a Spotify playlist. Also thinking about highschool being twenty years ago and starting a sentence with 'I miss the days...' makes me feel very old.

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Thank goodness for musically inclined buddies!

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Dan from Dallas, TX here! I've been a fan of The Decemberists starting with Picaresque in the simpler times of 2005, and I've followed everything Colin and the gang have done since. I'm an architect and I travel a bunch for projects, and after many years of trying the stars finally aligned and I got to see The Decemberists play in London, which was just as incredible as it sounds.

I think Colin is one of, if not the, greatest lyricists working today. I never thought I'd get emotional listening to a song about a bird getting married, but it gets me every time. The past few years have been particularly awful, but Colin's "Live from the Barn" and numerous virtual shows have kept me and a lot of others sane. There isn't enough time in the day or the right words to express the gratitude I have for Colin, the band, and the wonderful music they make.

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aw, thanks Dan. That's real kind of you.

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Oh lord, I completely forgot about the live virtual concerts last spring! I took my laptop out into the shady bush-fort we had just cleared out and enjoyed a perfect outdoor concert in my own back yard with my favorite band and it was absolutely magical. It made me thank COVID (for a couple hours) that we had been forced into such a weird and wonderful situation. I went into last spring and summer with pre-pandemic optimism and new ideas about how to move forward and grow, and I thank the Bush Fort Concerts for that.

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Hello All. In college I was devoted to REM and The Replacements. I spent the next 20 years looking in vain for a band to hit me as hard as they had. Then I found the Decemberists around the time of The Crane Wife - and I became a fanatical devotee. And THEN I found out that Colin's early major influences were REM and the Matts. My mind is still blown... I have found Colin to be a splendid curator of content and ideas. He puts a lot of thought and care into the things he creates and presents. I feel like it will be a really valuable experience learning about his process here. I have always admired his prolific, compulsive creativity and I hope that some of those sparks will light up some dead wood in me. As for me - I live on Martha's Vineyard, produce tawdry TV Shows and still dream of becoming a writer of great art.

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I'm Heidi, from Minneapolis. I've been a fan since Crane Wife and saw the Decemberists on that tour at First Avenue. I've seen them at least a half dozen times since then here in MN and Wisconsin. I sang my children their songs on long stroller walks, (the Mariner's Revenge) and to get them to sleep (Crane Wife, O January, June Hymn.) Now, my husband and I play their songs on guitar (him) and ukelele (me) and are excited to see them again in Minneapolis in August.

My now 15-year-old said to me in the car - June Hymn playing on the radio - "Haven't you been singing this song for like, years?!?" Yes, yes I have. Fortunately. :) Happy to meet you all!

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Ha! Very nice..

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I cared for my nephew when he was 1 and I had two songs I would sing to him on the way to day care -- the Winnie-the-Pooh theme, and The Legionnaire's Lament. "Legionnaire" was one of his first 50 words.

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LOL - that's amazing. Yes, the songs are beautiful on their own but there's an added dimension when the events of our lives and those of our children are woven into them! So cool!

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The image of the family all singing these songs together is too cute for words

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I'm Ethan, been a fan since ... Tarkio? I worked with REM since the 90's, so Tarkio and Decemberists came on my radar through them. We've met a few times at various things, and I proudly own one of Jenny's accordions.

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It’s so hard to write things like this (anxiety, right?) but I really love that there is a community here and I would love to be part of it! My name is Tarryn. I’m 29 years old, non-binary (any pronouns) and I’ve been a caregiver for the elderly and disabled most of my life. I live with my wife and her husband (we’re polyamorous) and we have an amazing 15 month old named Olive Juniper. Some of my interests include crochet, digital art, writing, horror movies and, of course, music! I first listened to “When the War Came” in high school and the rest is history. The Decembrists have been my lifeline through a lot of tough times, especially in recent years. I’m very happy to be here among such amazing people!

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Hi! My name's Lauren. I'm a writer and circus artist living in Boston. The Decemberists were my first concert when I was 16, and I'm 30 now. One of my favorite albums of all time is the "Colin Meloy Sings Live" one. I bought it on a whim in my teens at a Barnes & Noble after seeing a single copy misplaced amongst other bands.

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Ha, what a friendly accident... we find our ways to our people one way or another

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Hello! Writer and mom, Philadelphia area. I’ve been a Decemberists fan since 2003 when I caught sight of the beautiful HER MAJESTY cover art at the Borders I was working at - I was big into the WWI soldier poets at the time :) - and many shows later, I still haven’t looked back. Incidentally started WILDWOOD with my kindergartner this month and we’re both loving it (although let’s just say bedtime seems to be getting increasingly delayed by pleas for one more chapter). Psyched to see the band in August!

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Ha! Then we found each other at the right time. I was really into the soldier poets at that time -- and I'd just read Paul Fussell's The Great War and Modern Memory, which I would *highly* recommend if you haven't read it already.

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Wow! Yes! I read it back then, but I think I’m due for a revisit, and maybe the Pat Barker trilogy too.

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Most memorable Decemberists shows include the Hollywood Bowl, Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown, NY, Tower Theatre in Upper Darby, PA for the first THoL tour, and the Denver Palladium (my first one!) 🪗

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Hello! I'm Ángel Negrín, a venezuelan Decemberist fan for 12 years. Now living in Belgium. Wish you guys or you alone came more to Europe. I have introduced your music to so many friends that ended up loving it.

Also, if you want to check my music, here it is! I recorded everything in my room :) https://open.spotify.com/track/0QSBElZPk1jM21jUFwmDVJ?si=133ac2b16e484278

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Hello Angel!

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Hello Colin! Appreciate you doing this, a chance to hear and learn more about your music, there's just so many songs between deep cuts and bsides that are so amazing. A long time ago I listened to a real bad recording of an "Echoes" cover you guys did and always wondered how that would sound like properly recorded, if you have that live recording somewhere please share! Also, always thought that a version of "Fearless" would be awesome.

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Venezuelan here too! Saludos!

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Saludos Carlos! Representing aquí!

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Hi, I’m Kris, from Cbus, OH. Longtime fan of the Decemberists, Colin’s solo stuff, Tarkio, Offa Rex, Carson’s art, and Colin’s books—generally an admirer of the whole outfit, as it were. I’m also a writer, so definitely here for craft-talk, as well as to further immerse myself in the usual themes of the Meloy-Ellis milieu. Glad for the chance to hang with you all in the machine shop!

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I'm no crafter myself (aside from my conscripted labor as a Lego constructor for my son) but Carson, as you know, is big in the game. Maybe she'll chime in here from time to time... Anyway, welcome Kristopher!

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Ha--I meant the craft of writing, but I will also be on the lookout for your Lego tips!

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Cbus love!

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Moved to Columbus just after moon landing in '69. Lived there until 2005. Glad so many other Central Ohioans are on this substack! Cbus loves Decembrists!

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Heck yes! Columbus fans.

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50 year old father of two (one of which is a Henry) in Chicago. I've been a fan since The Tain (maybe a strange entry point?). Here because a) a big fan and b) I think a substack is a nice way to show support. I am looking forward to more insight about the music and interacting with you and fellow fans. Also..need something to pull me away from the new Ghost album.

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Cool! Welcome!

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The new Ghost album has me OBSESSED.

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too many inescapable hooks.

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The Tain is my absolute favorite.

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Good morning! I was a casual fan until tuning in to the three virtual shows during the pandemic. Being able to replay those shows was fantastic and led me to dig into the entirety of the Decemberists catalog. So fired up for my first live show in LA this August!

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I hope to see you there!

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Wiltern on Aug 9! Can't wait! Will have just returned from overseas trip so will be horribly jetlagged but a plethora of rusalki couldn't keep me away! See you there!

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Wasn’t that the best show? One long sing-a-long!

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Laci here from Budapest, Hungary. I was educated as a teacher, now I'm working as a musician (Platon Karataev, The Somersault Boy, Captain Average and other bands in Hungary), part-time journalist, part-time private teacher. I read a review of The Crane Wife back in 2006 in a local music magazine, that's how I got into The Decemberists. I love to read these kind of "behind the music" articles and I love home-made demos, so I think I'll enjoy my time here.

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Hi y'all. I'm James, from Olympia, Wash., these days. Back in the early 2000s I would do all of Bumbershoot, the (then) four-day music festival in Seattle, and that's where I discovered the Decemberists. I think this was 2003? Chris had been in an accident and couldn't join the band, and the show briefly was re-announced as Colin solo, but then the rest of the band joined anyway. I've seen the band everywhere from small smoke-filled clubs to outdoor college campuses to the Hollywood Bowl, and I really regret not seeing them at the Department of Safety, a jail converted into a venue, in Anacortes. I also adore D&D and am hoping to play at an event in Chris' space sometime now that the pandemic is fading. And I just went on a trip to Mexico which told me I really, really need to be in person with people, so, all y'all in the Northwest, let's gather.

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That's some history, James. Those early shows always stick in the brain -- I remember that first Bumbershoot appearance -- I was super jazzed b/c I'd grown up going to Bumbershoot. Funk's accident threatened to sink that whole tour, but we gamely went forward without him -- he flew into a few shows and played sitting down. His nom de guerre at the time was Crutchy McGee.

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Hey Colin, happy to be here among the rest of your weird listeners.

I'm 37 and hail from Ottawa, Ontario.

My wife and I are long-time fans - we've seen you perform (with your band and without) about a dozen times in various cities.

Do you remember when you did a solo set in Ottawa and the poor girl that was MC'ing the event introduced you as Colin Malone? You made a witty joke about it when you got to the mic and I'm pretty sure I could see her cheeks flush from the crowd.

What you're doing here is neat - keep it coming.

See you in Toronto in August.



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Ha! I don't remember that (or the witty joke, which I'm sure was *very* witty) but I imagine that the poor MC probably will remember it forever...

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I was at that show! Hi to another Ottawa fan 💛 I remember the mixup, and also that the sound from the next stage over was bleeding in and Colin reeeeeeally emphasized the “quiet now” line in Calamity Song lol. I will also be at the Toronto show in August.

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Lot of cool stories here! I'm Ben, from LA, originally from Philly. Been a fan of Colin and the band since 2003, when my little circle of nerdy art friends found them in high school. I'm a comedy writer with a huge passion for music, and the Decemberists' music has been such a major influence and comfort to me over the years. I head write and direct a relatively successful comedy show here in Los Angeles, on a crazy whim I actually, during the Pandemic, cold called Colin's management company to see if he would be interested in hosting the show some time haha.

I love this page, I'm really fascinated in artistic process, and dig getting a view behind the curtains.

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Hello All! My name is Michael Scott and I’m a Bay Area native and current resident of Oakland, CA. I’m a drummer and hairstylist, and long time fan and listener of The Decemberists. I began dabbling with guitar about 12 years ago, and Colin was always my true north for inspiration, so joining in a n The Machine Shop just made sense. I’m currently working as a studio drummer for a local recording studio in oakland, and can’t wait to get back out on stages again to connect with an audience. It’s really lovely reading each and everyones’s intros too! Let’s keep this space amazing! Thanks, Colin!

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Funny story. Long, long ago and not so far away, I was trying out this new-fangled Pandora thing. Found a band called Tarkio and loved them. Added to channel. Then found the Decemberists. Added them too. After awhile... Heyyyy. Same guy. Since then, I've seen you at the Hollywood Palladium and the Greek... flying up to see you in August at McMenamins Edgefield. Oh and my brother used to wait tables at the Windbag in Helena MT. Served your parents there once. Brush with celebrity.

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Alas: the Windbag, RIP.

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Haha Pandora really loved Tarkio. I was already a Decemberists fan but Pandora played Tarkio on basically all of my stations.

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Hello, I'm Ronan. I'm originally from Ireland but now live just down the road from you, Colin. Long time fan, seen the band countless times and am probably the only person to play The Shankill Butchers live in a bar in Belfast and live to tell the story. True story.

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I’d long wondered how that song would go down in Belfast. I’m glad you survived the experience!

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It was touch and go, Jason. There were many beers involved.

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How do you walk with balls that big?

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Hey! I'm Brittany from Virginia. Long-time fan... I was reflecting yesterday on my earliest memories of listening to The Decemberists in college and wishing I could remember who introduced me to your music. My husband and I try to catch all of your shows in town (or online during the pandemic) and our daughter loves "Everyone's Awake." We appreciate you sharing your creativity with us!

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Thank you, Brittany!

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Virginia represent!

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How many of you out there are Illimat players? I some a few mentions of the game. I don't get a lot of chances to play, unfortunately. We used to take the set with us to a local brewery a friend owns (in the Pre-COVID times) and play there. For some reason it feels like a game that should be played out in the world (and the really good Korean tacos certainly add to the experience). Maybe it's just the genesis of the game from the photos of the band playing in strange places. Would be fun to figure out a way to play via Zoom somehow...

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Hello from the southernmost point on the Missouri River. The Decemberists have been part of the family soundtrack since Hazards of Love. The encore at The Pageant (St. Louis) during which Chris Funk played the role of Charles Lindbergh and flew across the crowd through an improvised Gateway Arch is among the fondest of memories.

"Into" all sorts of banal things, such as reality television, dog ownership, and $30 bottles of whiskey. I'm an acolyte of folk music and pop songs with erudite lyrics. I have a 9-to-5 office job but when left alone or among a certain collection of friends I play guitar - mostly three chord songs in standard tuning. I'll learn a song with four chords, but that fourth chord has to be really worth it. I enjoy ghost songs, murder ballads, and stalker tunes, so, naturally, I'm here for the unique content. Also, I am an advocate for the Oxford comma and a student of human behavior.

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Seconds for the 9-to-5 office jobs, $30 bottles of whiskey, and the Oxford comma.

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Hello! I first saw the Decemberists at Berbati's Pan (RIP) in I'm guessing 2003? My wife took me after hearing "Legionnaire's Lament" on a local compilation CD and we both became huge fans. Several years later Jenny hired me to photograph her wedding, because I knew the woman doing their flowers and got recommended. I still remember sitting down for our first meeting; Jenny mentioned she was "in a local band called the Decemberists" and I had to be cool, like, oh yeah I've heard of you guys. After that I was fortunate enough to work with the band and some of their various side projects several times, and let me tell you it's pretty awesome to do a job that you love with one of your favorite bands. Now I don't even have to shoot weddings anymore! Thanks for starting this cool thing, Colin!

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I'm a huge fan of your work! (I loosely know you from volunteering with the Bizarre) - love reading of how you got involved with music photography! :)

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Thank you Liz! I hope the Bizarre happens again one day.

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Me, too. We're feeling good about 2023!

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Hi all! I'm a writer (not by trade but by habit,) I'm 25 years old, and I'm originally from San Diego but now living near Portland, Oregon. I believe the first time I ever learned of the Decemberists and Colin was in late 2015 or early 2016. Somehow I was exposed to Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect, and I ended up devouring that whole album. I think I have Castaways and Cutouts, Hazards of Love, and The King Is Dead all on CD. I've been appreciating Colin's music and Carson's art since then, and I'm looking forward to what's in store for the Machine Shop!

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Hi all, my name is Lindsay and I’m from MA. I started listening in the early 2000’s after hearing a track on Emerson College radio and haven’t stopped since. Like some others in this group, listening has become a family affair. Recently, my 11-year-old son and I were driving across the state after a youth hockey game and he looked at the time left on the GPS and said “Mom – if we listen to the Tain three times we will be home”. Looking forward to watching you as a family in Lafayette, and then sans kids in Boston the next night. When I’m not (or when I am) singing loudly and out of tune to your music I enjoy long walks with my dog and playing competitive mobile Tetris blanketed up on my couch. I don’t really have the words to express my gratitude for the lyrics and music that Colin and the band have gifted us. It is such an important part of my everyday life. Have a feeling? There’s a song for that… Thank you and happy to be here.

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I love the Tain as a unit of distance! At 19m and going 65 mph, 1 Tain equals 20.6 miles or 33.125 km. Here in New Zealand, I am only 465 Tains from you. The moon is 12.350 kiloTains away from the Earth. The sun is a scant 4.8 megaTains away.

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Hey, Nat! I took a Perl class with you (plus associated drinking) in Tucson like 20 years ago!

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Insanely small world! I hope you're still doing well. I have very fond memories of my time teaching Perl. (I'm running a company now, so no time to code much)

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Love this!

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Hi all! I’m Dana, a 35 year old librarian from NJ. Been a fan since maybe 2005?? Colin, your Instagram live videos got me through the first few weeks of the panny, and reading yesterday’s newsletter had me finally feeling something higher than “just trying to get by”, so I’m excited to see what happens in this space!

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I'm James and you've been lighting up my drive to work for a few years now. Totally excited to see you in Bristol a couple of years ago with my daughter. Please come back to the UK soon!

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I'm Ryan. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I'm 45. I've been a fan since "Castaways & Cutouts". Colin, you are definitely one my absolute favourite songwriters. There has yet to be a song, album, or book you have released that I have not truly loved. I was super stoked that you played 'Culling of the Fold' at my request when you asked for song requests at the VIP soundcheck a few years back in Calgary. Plus, my 4-year-old, Henry, has really took a shine to 'The Mariner's Revenge Song'. We have watched a few of the live performances of this song on YouTube, which he absolutely adores. He loves seeing the changes in the whale for that song. He also keeps asking when The Decemberists are going to come back to Calgary so he can see the band play the song love. Any word on that Colin? Thanks for doing this Substack Colin. Its such a cool thing! Thank you! P.S. Will the songs be available as a download as well, or just on Substack?

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Hi, I’m Kristen! Been a fan for over a decade and now working on indoctrinating my one-year-old. It’s slow-going but we’ll get her there.

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hi everyone! i’m amber, i’m 41 years old and i live in seattle, washington.

i’m into life, honestly. the pandemic changed me in a way that is hard to put into words but i’m just into everything joyful now! i want to see it all, hear it all, do it all.

i’m obviously into the decemberists, that’s how i got here! my origin story: i went to see carissa’s wierd (don’t come for me, that’s how they spell it!) at the crocodile in seattle on valentine’s day, 2003 and a group i had never heard of was opening for them. i left with a new favorite band.

it’s been 19 years since that day and i’ve been to more shows than i could ever count…

tiny venues before anyone knew who they were, large theaters after everyone knew who they were, the solo shows, the online pandemic shows and now i’m here!

i have to say, it’s been a wonderful journey ❤️

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I've loved seeing the evolution from the tiny shows to the big shows too!

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my daughter “went” to the online pandemic shows with me and fell in love, big time. her name is betty, she’s 9 and she’s probably your biggest fan!

we have tickets to see y’all this summer and it will be her first real concert! i don’t know who is more excited, me or her!

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Scientist and pharma exec here. I fell for The Decemberists with The Crane Wife thanks to NPR and then devoured the story-songs of older releases. I've seen them play in Central Park and Prospect Park and The Beacon in NYC and (my highlight) the full Hazards of Love at the Murat in Indianapolis. (Mr. Meloy, PLEASE don't stop releasing new music, especially songs with stories.) I think the Decemberists are bound for Broadway like Anais Mitchell.

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something *is* in the works...

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Good morning! I’m Sanayo from Mountain View, CA. Many, many years ago, my now-ex boyfriend told me there was an 8-minute pirate-y song about a couple of sailors who fight to the death inside a whale after being swallowed alive. So, for obvious reasons, The Decemberists have been my number-one ever since. I’m a total lyrics and grammar nerd, along with anything reminiscent of the days of yore. (Is it weird that I think “Its contents watched by Sycorax and Patagon in parallax” is one of the sexiest sentences ever written? 🤣)

Colin, I love this concept of connecting directly with your listeners. I’m guessing it’s more enjoyable for you, too! And if there was one artist from whom I’d expect this sort of great idea, it’s definitely you.

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Hi! I'm Lela, a 28 year old potter based out of Portland Oregon. My husband, Nick, just a friend at the time, introduced me to The Decemberists in 2014ish, long before we got together. They became the soundtrack to my college experience, and when we decided to get married we walked down the aisle to Red Right Ankle. I listen regularly now as I make pottery, to pretty much anything Colin sings. Nick and I are very excited to be seeing you for the first, but hopefully not last, time at Mcmenamins this year. I couldn't resist the opportunity to hear about your creative process more, and possibly hear other versions of our favorite songs, so I'm so excited to be here!

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Hi… I am Paula, a linguist, writer, artist, composer, and teacher from Cheyenne, Wyoming, though I have lived in France,Haiti, and Turkey ( 3 years teaching at the French embassy til the pandemic hit).. I have been a Decemberists fan since my daughter gave me Terrible, Wonderful World CD for my birthday a few years ago. Then, while I was painting a watercolor at my sister’s in Helena, Montana ( I grew up in Great Falls and was home visiting), she said, “ Why are you listening to Colin Meloy?” She is apparently a buddy of your mom ( ask your mom how often she has lunch with Lynne Egan) and your dad apparently sang once at a campout with my brother-in-law, Wayne Klinkel, artist at the Independent Record! Small world. Then, while driving cross country listening to The Moth Radio Show, I heard a story told by a girl who was spelling bee champ for Lewis & Clark County, and that turned out to be your sister! So, I feel like I know you. I am an avid songwriter and thought this forum might be interesting!

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Hope you saw this, Colin…

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Hello all! Im Amy- I live in Maryland and I am an artist. I have been a fan since my sophomore year of college at Shepherd University. Old school college radio is still the best. I think I was at the same concert Julie Blum was in Baltimore (Meriweather Post Pavilion) WHAT A CONCERT! Its still one of the most happiest of memories. We are taking our daughter to her first Decembrist concert this summer, we must pass on the tradition. ❤️

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HA! As someone who spent time at an English boarding school, your "Common Room" subject line immediately connected... and yes... I did not need to translate "let your legs loll on the lino". :). I'm Mo, and I live in Portland (at least for the next few months) but in the process of moving up to Bainbridge Island (just across the Sound from Seattle). I'm a recovering film director, who is now in the world of live events (It's been a great 2 years (thank you COVID))... I'm married to the amazing Dana and we have a 14 year old son named Zane. I actually got turned on to Tarkio a bajillion years ago, and have been following your well-earned success ever since... Much love and many thanks for this and all you have brought into the world.

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Thanks Mo!

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OMG... fanboying now... Thank YOU!!!! One of these days I'll shoot you a note that explains how you, Carson, the Decemberists, and The National helped us buy our new home. :)

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I’m Deryck from Scotland. University Fellow, older than I’d like to admit (hitting 60 this year), frustrated musician. Really interested to see behind the scenes (and maybe get a glimpse of what is coming our way). Favourite Decemberists album is always the one I listened to most recently.

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Hey Deryck! Welcome!

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My introduction to the Decemberists was an accidental gift bestowed by my Dad, who had been playing Sons and Daughters quite a bit for my younger brothers. I was hooked after my first time hearing The Crane Wife, tucked into my headphones and realizing that The Island was the marriage of prog, folk, and literature that was missing from my life.

Seeing Hazards on tour was like coming home. My husband has since become a dedicated fan himself, and we have yet to miss a show in or around Maryland since that tour. Our tradition is to blast our mutual favorites as we drive to a show, singing of mariners and rakes at the top of our lungs only to do it all again at the show.

Colin, you’re doing a really neat thing here. I’m psyched for what’s to come! My dream is a “Colin Meloy sings R.E.M.” EP. ;)

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