For those, like Colin, who are just getting to know Tim Walz let me say this: he was my representative in the Minnesota 1st district for about 5 years and he's currently my governor. This guy is the real deal. Everything you're seeing is who he's been for decades. Just a no-nonsense, joyful guy. I'm thrilled to share him with the rest of the world, if a little bummed that there's a good chance he's no longer my governor this time next year.

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So spot on, sir. Native Minnesotan here just so proud and so very pleased our governor is going to contribute to the whole country what we’ve had for years.

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I was also moved by how nobody tried to shush him or anything. In a world where autistic and other neurodivergent people are often unable to be their true, unmasked selves, it was refreshing to watch Gus’s family just let him be himself in that moment. It’s a low bar, maybe, but I can’t think of many who clear it.

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so true Leanna......that moved me too.....no embarrassment. Good words....exactly what I saw. As an x teacher involved with divergent and different kids.

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Absolutely agree, Leanna. The shushing is so destructive and disheartening - why is there the societal pressure to quiet down, to hide feelings, rather than allow ourselves to share in the expression of joy? Or anger or sadness as well? You are right that it's a low bar, but public moments like these are what raise it and show there is nothing to fear, and so much to embrace.

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As always, I can't thank you enough for sharing your thoughts and your support. I didn't get my ADHD and Autism diagnosed until I was 39 and 41. Instead my childhood was rife with shame, punishment, and aloneness. Seeing this moment between Gus and his Dad was so healing to me because it showed not just me but the world that another way IS POSSIBLE. As do you and Carson with your love and support for your own kiddos and for us in the neurodivergent community. I see the way my cousin and her husband go to the ends of the earth to support and vocally advocate for their small disabled and neurodivergent son, and she inspires me SO MUCH because she is breaking bad generational patterns by working hard and speaking out proudly. We are not broken, but we do need support. Let's hope that putting someone like Waltz in the White House is a big step in the right direction.

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As a parent of 4 neuodivergent children (all adults now), I wept as I watched the Walz family openly and unabashedly express their love to one another on the national stage. And I couldn't help but reflect on the difference between the current Republican nominee and his family and the Harris/Walz families. The love and affection displayed by the families of the nominees during the DNC, including grand parents, aunties, uncles, nieces and nephews was uplifting. Quite a contrast wouldn't you say?

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OK, I probably didn’t need to get choked up at 6:00 P.M. on a lovely Minnesota evening but there you have it. My wife and I were just talking about Gus Walz and the sadness or angry that is roused when reading about so-called pro-life people who seem to not care much about living, breathing human beings. Who revel in denigrating anyone who doesn’t fit into their select few incredibly tight fitting molds. Our family has a couple of members these folks would look down upon. It is beautiful to read an empathic person like Mr. Meloy talk about the better world that could emerge. We can always hope.

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Every time I see that clip I cry. It was so beautiful seeing the deep, sincere love and pride that Gus has for his father. Thank you, Colin.

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Did you see the video of Gus and Hope putting up bunny ears behind Tim Walz’s head as he was being interviewed at the DNC? I loved that so much. Show the kind of relationship they all have together.

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As an autistic person myself, I was glad to see all of the public support Gus had (at least from people that share my values), everyone saying they would protect him and other neurodivergent kids. We're not often protected the way we should be, so this felt like a step in the right direction. Thank you for talking about this.

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As a teacher who supports neurodivergent students, who has always looked at teaching as advocacy first, and who spent much of my career abroad (in China for the last 10 years before moving back to Portland), I feel quite connected to Tim Walz. This ticket is pretty amazing and exciting for multiple reasons.

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Representation matters and I feel that even more as a parent. My son had a severe stutter until about third grade. We’ve also been down the IEP path and encountering teachers that didn’t have patience for the wonderful thoughts he tried to get out. It meant a lot to him to hear Biden be upfront about his challenges and to reach out to other kids with stutters. It sends me in a rage to hear the right make fun of his speech or to claim he made it up.

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100% with you. Sorry for the troll in the comments 😤

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Thanks for the support, it happens. I hate that you had to deal with it too❤️

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Aug 24
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Dude, enough

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Beautiful words Colin. Thank you.

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THE moment of the convention. This country needs to see more open, unapologetic love and support like this. I have ADHD and a learning disability and it’s always been hard for me to be “normal” and “settled”, especially in big important events. It meant so much to me to see him just be big and utterly himself and have that loved and celebrated. Really just downright human and good hearted and something to lift up.

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Thanks, Colin. I am autistic. I met you at PDX book fest in 2022, as everything was ending. I was stimming and having a pretty difficult time after such an intense day at the fest and you were so warm and welcoming. I cried when I saw Gus and his reaction. I did not have parents like Tim, or like you are to your son. Thanks. Just, thanks.

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Russell, thank you so much for sharing your experience with Colin. I hope the outpouring of love and affection for Gus reminds you that you are valued as well.

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I concur. We are also the parents of a neurodivergent adult child and that moment moved us as well. School was an enormous challenge for us and we never really found the right place after being kicked out of five schools. We finally just gave up and homeschooled. We too are progressive minded and the changes that have happened in the race in the past month have been unprecedented. We are hoping that the Walz’s may make a positive effect for all of our children if we succeed in overcoming the a-hole from Mara Lago.

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I’m so happy to see you wrote about this as I have been keeping everyone I know with neurodivergent kids in my heart this week.

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Thank you. Gusto Walz had taken a piece of my heart and I'm a better person for it.

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Gus....damn auto correct

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I kind of like Gusto, though. The kid’s got it in spades.

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Totally true ❣️. His joy was so apparent and so amazing🩵

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