The problem with being the one brave enough to start a Footloose moment is if nobody follows you, it’s an introvert nightmare. You feel like a jerk for blocking people’s view and then there’s a point where you sheepishly feel the need to give up and sit down in defeat and everyone watches your failed attempt. I spent most of my time at the DCFC Transatlanticism portion hoping for someone else to to start a footloose moment, but not being willing to be that person despite the music indeed moving me out of my Christian shackles.

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I hate venues with seats, just for this reason! We actually saw DCFC/PS at the Hollywood Bowl and would you believe everyone was sitting? We opted to stand and just listen to the people behind us bitch lol. To be fair, we flew from Seattle for the show and were going to enjoy it our way damnit. But it's such a dilemma when you want to dance and show the band the respect they deserve, but also don't want to block anyone.

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Same story, we flew to Austin from Salt Lake for the same show and by the time we got to the Postal Service portion I was going to stand no matter what! But still most people persisted with the sitting around us….ah well.

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I know we all enjoy music differently, but people who are stoic during concerts I will never understand!

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These were my feelings exactly in Austin. I was the footloose person but felt like a jerk because I was in the front row. But like he said, we eventually got there.

The show was amazing, even when I had to guilt sit. I am now obsessed with Oh No! So fun.

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I was also in the front row in Austin and decided to stand the whole time cause I was in Dallas the night before and as Colin noted, no one stood for most of the show, and I couldn't do that again! I want to be up on my feet dancing and feeling the music.

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Thanks for continuing to find time and write these, Colin. We Machine Shop folk are the nerdiest of the Decemberists nerds, so we all really love reading them!

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I was at the pre-show in St. Louis (I asked about your limit with the macabre) and I sensed the vibes were off. I wondered if you felt shitty and alas, you did. I was worried it would affect the main show but wowzers, what a phenomenal show from start to finish! Of course I had front row viewing privilege but the opening with the “gazebo” lights was so magical. I, like everyone else on the planet, love June Hymn but I also love January Hymn and my eyes may have leaked a bit during that opening set. I cannot wait for the album release so I can listen to Don’t Go Into the Woods thirty consecutive times. It’s such an eerie, dark, dramatic song and those are my favorite! The energy felt great and you seemed in such high spirits, thank you for performing your best even when you feel rough. It was an amazing night and now my favorite concert ever.

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Austin was a fantastic show, and we felt good about standing and dancing! I love Long White Veil but haven’t heard the newest of the new songs.

I will say the sound set up inside Bass was impeccable. You don’t get that at outdoor shows. The moments of silence were dead quiet, you could hear a mouse fart. Your opening notes gave everyone shivers, I’m sure. Stay well.

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I’m sorry Dallas didn’t stand. I was up high. And I’m 6’4”. That’s problematic in the balcony when I’m the only one. My wife is 5’3”, so no issue there. The show was just great. Loved every note. Of course, there are always songs I’m in the mood to hear that don’t make it to the set list. I enjoyed it. Thank you!

PS Ratboys were great too!

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My family enjoyed the St Louis concert. Watching you stalk the stage during "I Was Meant For the Stage" and singing to my 10-year-old daughter in the front row will be a cherished memory. Sleep well.

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Resilient as ever! Sorry to hear you weren't 100%, but StL was great show. Getting to hear "Oh No!" was a highlight, as was hearing some Picaresque moments which he hadn't heard in some time. We were on the balcony, seated and then not - because how can you sit during "16 Military Wives" or "The Queen's Rebuke"?

Thanks for coming to St. Louis - we always feel lucky when it's a tour stop.

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I'm guessing it was Caine's Carter since you finished it! :)

Glad you're working Woods in, we really enjoyed it at the Farm in Seattle.

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Your show was the best one I have ever been to! By the way, did you guys like me and my sisters art?(idk if anyone in the band will see this but me and Abby wanted to know😃)

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I asked about Joan's run time of 19:20 being a nod to her canonization in 1920 during Austin VIP -- I'm glad to have brought that fact to light for y'all! I was at the Dallas and Austin shows both in 2018 and this month at the Majestic and Bass, and y'all were incredible every single time! I'm extremely happy we were able to get the footloose moments to happen in Austin this go round too!

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If I may make a suggestion, and if it’s not too late for coffee, I suggest “Chazzano” in Berkley, less than 2 miles from the ROMT. It is the surely the highest brow coffee roaster in the region. Owner gets worked up at the mere suggestion of bastardizing his art by cream-ing or sugar-ing his coffee. It’s also near the trippiest metaphysical bookstore you’ll likely encounter (in the Midwest, at least): Mayflower Books. Honestly I don’t exactly know their hours. I don’t think anyone in the area does. It seems they are open (and customers visit) by intuition. Hope you all enjoy your stay in Royal Oak.

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Thank you for keeping the tour diary! I am enjoying reading it. I am looking forward to seeing you at the Royal Oak Music Theater (I think they should spell it "Theatre") tomorrow night! I read about the torn shoulder ligament. Sorry to hear about that. Did you know there's a therapeutic posture called "Shoulder Savasana?" True facts! I've posted the picture in the notes. I can help you soak in its therapeutic benefits when you are in town. The offer from Pittsburgh still stands: A Restorative Iyengar Yoga class for band and crew at the Center for Iyengar Yoga.

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Here’s a sure help for the shoulder injury: therapeutic “Shoulder Savasana.”

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At the next hotel……a hot bath with full bag of Epsom salts soak (and CBD oil, if available). Makes a big difference with body pain.

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Sorry for all the ailments. Ice and aleve work for me. Be sure to hydrate! Thanks for your diaries. Always perks up my day. Wish I were touring!

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Hoping you feel better soon!! I just can't go to "sit-down" theaters when seeing my favorite bands... yes - jazz and classical (but even jazz is hard) because I gotta move to the music! One of the best reasons for seeing you at Edgefield in Portland!

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Another fantastic read!!! Man, I enjoy these! Thank you so much Colin for sharing. Rest up and hope you start to feel better.

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