
I told Funk I never would have put you at that Kimpton in Seattle for several reasons, but I think the rattle is from the nearby freeway.

Great tour! TBH, the Austin show was maybe my favorite, followed by the Rumpus. Hope you get to take some moments to really relax and refresh before whatever's next. <3

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The Austin show was awesome. We got to see them with family in Denver. Also a wonderful night.

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Congratulations to you all on a great tour!

Amen to sitting down at shows. My wife is 5'4" and can't see over people, and I can't stand for an entire show, so it's tough when people insist on standing even when they've paid for a chair.

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“You” are eternal! Thank you for the amazing shows and for always being such good people and such good sports! Rest, relax, enjoy not being on the road, and we’ll see you next time you’re back at it! (Travelers Rest 2025? 👀)

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I hope y'all like your shirts!!!!

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Sadly, I had to give up my shebanger ticket to go to California at the last minute to see family. My wife, Charlotte, was there though with the other Church-ers. Alas, I had to settle with living vicariously through her.

At least I got to go to the Rumpus and finally formally meet Mr. Funk. Can’t wait for the time I get to hear Joan live! Congrats on the tour and thank you for the tour diary…..seriously, this along with your album recording diary have been so unique and special. Big thanks!

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Thanks again for the wonderful album, tour, diaries, and a never-to-be-forgotten experience in Spokane.

Wishing you and the band plentiful rest and downtime with your respective loved ones!

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Thank you for an awesome show at the Seattle Zoo! We were there on day two, and also shocked to see everyone leaving early. Wish we had sat closer, the speakers were pretty quiet. BTW, the name of the red panda at the zoo is Carson, and he can sleep through pretty much anything (I'm a zoo volunteer).

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As always, thank you and the band for the joy and the music.

It is a lot, and it is very much appreciated.

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The show at Edgefield was wonderful! My family and I had a great time at the shebang and the show. So many families and kids running around and dancing! And Joan was an incredible experience in person. Thank you for the show, the tour and the diary.

We hope you get back to playing Wordle soon and if you remember your favorite first guess we would still love to know 😂

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I was part of the pit on your left both nights, thanks for giving us the push to combine and join in the middle! Was a bummer to get to a show 4 hours early only to have our view stymied by steadfast sitters. It was also quite fun to watch the confusion for some concert goers during the middle of Joan in the Garden :).

Had a blast, can't wait to see you all again soon.

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There was one couple who put down a blanket, and then chairs BEHIND the blanket and then yelled at a woman for standing at the rails in front of them…it was like they were staking out a land claim to build a log cabin. Fortunately they vanished at some point and people just took over their whole blanket area.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 22

I was at Edgefield, right at the back. I hope I’ll be forgiven for indulging in a bit of fannish word vomit:

I discovered The Decemberists as a profoundly unhappy and cynical teenager living in Eugene in the early 2000s. The first song I ever heard was “July, July!” I didn’t entirely recognize it then, but the peculiar dialectic of irony and wistfulness running through it and many other songs touched me deeply; though I was never a superfan or even really a fan as a young man, the music, and the feelings, were always there. I rarely listened more than once, but the songs stuck with me regardless. “Constantinople” and “Bandit Queen” played the summer before college, wherein my friend talked over the former (much to my irritation) to ask me imperiously whether I knew the meaning of “painted by the Bosporus in blue”. Laboring in the dark room one evening for a photography elective a few years later saw someone bring their copy of The Crane Wife and the strains of “The Island” and “Yankee Bayonet” echoed in my head as I gazed over the fir-clad hills of Corvallis on my way home and later as I drifted off to sleep.

It would be many years before I heard The Decemberists again. Over a decade and many twists and turns later, “Constantinople” popped up in an AI-curated playlist and I rediscovered the music that had embedded itself in my psyche all those years ago; a year thence, I found myself in a rented chair in Troutdale getting misty eyed at “June Hymn” and singing along lustily to “O Valencia!” At long last, I was home.

Thanks for the songs, Colin. This dull and witless boy felt a little less alone in the world for it all.

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I was at Edgefield!! It was an amazing show!! Thank you so much!!!

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Thank you. Thank you for this diary. Thank you for this tour. Thank you for doing it when it’s hard and knowing that it brings joy us all eternal joy and makes the world better.

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The Edgefield show was my favorite! What a performance! Thanks for the 8 great shows this summer. (It’s a Utah hat, btw) :)

Best moment of the tour that I saw was I Was Meant For the Stage in L.A. from the middle of the seated crowd.

I love this band and I’ll never miss a show in/near Portland again.

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Saw you both nights in Seattle front and center both nights - the first night was lots of fun - you were in fine fettle. The second night was not as “up” and I do appreciate the comments about the difference that the crowd makes. It was more sedate night two. I loved Joan in the Garden - the extended version - I kept saying “This song is like 20 minutes long” to people who kept thinking it was over. They were bummed you were only doing one more song…I was like “it’s a 20 minute song…” Enjoy your rest and being home!

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